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How Long Does It Take To Play 18 holes? A Guide For Golfers

how long does it take to play 18 holes of golf

If there is one thing we can all agree on as golfers, it’s that we hate long rounds of golf. Unless you’re trying to get away from the wife, anything longer than 4.5 hours to play 18 holes is a joke! In this article, you’ll find out how long a round of golf should take, and ways to play faster too.

Table of Contents:

  1. What Affects How Long You Play?
  2. How Much Time Does It Usually Take?
  3. Tips to Play Faster
  4. Wrapping It Up
  5. FAQ List

What Affects How Long You Play?

A lot of things go into what makes a round of golf shorter or longer.

  1. Course Difficulty: Some courses are harder, with narrow spaces and more obstacles. These can slow you down because you have to be more careful. You’ll spend more time looking for your golf ball and taking more strokes.
  2. Course Conditions: If the course is well-kept and smooth, you can move faster. But if the grass is too thick or the greens are bumpy, it can take more time to play.
  3. Group Size: The number of people you play golf with matters. Tee times can have up to 4 people paired together, which takes much longer.
  4. Skill Level: Better players usually finish faster because they know what they’re doing. Beginners might take longer because they need more tries to get the ball where they want it.
  5. Course Traffic: If there are many people playing at once, you might have to wait your turn more often. Playing when the course is less busy can help you move faster.

How Much Time Does It Usually Take?

To answer the question of how long it takes to play 18 holes of golf, it depends on your group size. Each addition to the group adds about 30 minutes to your pace of play.

  • 1 Person (Solo): Playing solo, a round of golf can take around 2.5 to 3.5 hours, depending on factors like course difficulty, personal skill level, and course traffic.
  • 2 People (Twosome): When playing with just one other person, a round typically takes about 3 to 4 hours. With fewer players, there’s less waiting time between shots compared to larger groups.
a twosome of golfers playing golf
Playing golf as a twosome
  • 3 People (Threesome): Playing as a threesome, a round generally takes around 3.5 to 4.5 hours. While there’s still less waiting compared to a foursome, the additional player may slightly increase overall play time.
  • 4 People (Foursome): A round of golf with a foursome typically takes around 4 to 5 hours. This is the most common group size and allows for a balance between socializing and playing efficiently.

Tips to Play Faster

Here are some things you can do to make your game quicker:

  1. Get Ready Early: Show up at the course early to warm up and make sure you have everything you need.
  2. Keep Moving: Try not to take too long between shots. Move to your ball quickly and be ready to hit.
  3. Stay Focused: It’s okay to chat, but too much talking or using your phone can slow things down.
  4. Be Nice: Take care of the course and think about others. Fix marks on the greens and be respectful.
  5. Play When Ready: Don’t wait for everyone to hit before you. If you’re ready, go ahead and take your shot.
  6. Use Your Time Wisely: Plan your shots ahead and don’t spend too long looking for lost balls.

Wrapping It Up

Playing golf can be fun, but it’s good to know how long it might take. By understanding what can slow you down and using our tips, you can have a great time on the course without taking all day. So, get out there, enjoy the game, and play smart!

FAQ List

  • How many miles is an 18-hole round of golf?
    • An 18 hole golf course is about 5 miles long.
  • Is 6000 yards a long course?
    • 6000 yards is considered a shorter course.
  • Can you play 18 holes in 2 hours?
    • You can, but it is very difficult because of course traffic, skill level, and whether you have a golf cart or not.

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